This is going to be your NEW favorite spaghetti sauce! We all know, pasta always makes a great year-round
side dish. My fresh, no-cooking-needed, sauce
is pareve, quick, easy, fresh and points-friendly and perfect for our
Yochi's Fresh (no-cooking needed) Spaghetti
1. Whole wheat spaghetti. Half a box
of uncooked spaghetti makes four to six portions of cooked spaghetti.
2. Large pasta pot
3. Hand-stick blender
4. Tomatoes (either two large tomatoes or ten or more cherry tomatoes)
5. 1 medium onion
6. 2-3 fresh cloves of garlic, (depending on
how "garlicky" you want the sauce)
7. Mushrooms
8. Garlic powder
9. Freshly ground pepper
Chopped fresh
(fresh or dried)
Basil (fresh
or dried)
Thyme (fresh
or dried)
How to
1. Preparing the spaghetti: I'm sure
you've heard this a million times: to make good el dente spaghetti you need
to start with good quality spaghetti (in our case, whole wheat spaghetti), a large pasta
pot and lots of water.
2. Fill the pot with water, a little bit less than three-quarters full. This should be enough water to cook the spaghetti.
3. Bring the water to boil. I no
longer add oil or salt to my boiling water to prevent the spaghetti rom sticking;
I shpritz the water with PAM before adding the spaghetti.
4. Measure out half of the spaghetti
from the box and add a quarter or half that amount to the boiling water at a time, to avoid sticking. Stir and then add another quarter or the second half of the spaghetti. Stir gently to avoid further sticking.
5. Cook the spaghetti until it is el
dente: pliable, but not soggy.
6. Once the spaghetti is cooked; immediately
take it out of the cooking water and strain; so it will STOP cooking. You can rinse the spaghetti with warm
water if you wish or just leave it as it is. Try to prevent the spaghetti
cooling completely. If the spaghetti gets too dry, spritz with a
bit of PAM or pour hot warm over it.
7. Now begin to make your sauce.
8. Clean the tomatoes, onions and garlic and
blend to a semi-chunky-saucy consistency using a hand-stick blender. The consistency depends on how you like your
sauce. Ask yourself: do you like a sauce
with pieces of vegetables or a smooth sauce? Blend to the consistency you like.
9. Working with the mushrooms: you can either
slice them and add them to the sauce “as is” or gently sauté the mushrooms
in a bit of PAM and then add them to the no-cook vegetables.
Add all the spices
to the sauce. If you are using fresh
spices, I warmly suggest you mince the spices by hand and then add them
into the sauce. Mincing the spices with the stick blender may turn them into
a paste. The spices should add a fresh aroma
and distinctive taste to the dish.
Mix the sauce
completely and pour over the warm pasta. Gently toss and serve.
Remember that portion control is the name of the game –
watch your portion and you’ll watch your weight!
Portion size:

How to store:
Always store in a closed
plastic container in the fridge.
Be’Tay a’Von and Chag Sameach!
Getting Back-to-the-Basics and Eating Right
I was recently talking to a close friend who wanted to lose weight and
had heard about and tried just about every diet program out there. She heard how much Sid and I lost weight and she
wanted to UNDERSTAND how we did it.
Not the points – but the how we did it. I began by explaining the general idea to
her; but that was not enough for her. She
wanted and needed to hear the exact details – the “hows” and the “whats”. I knew with whom I was talking: I know her
lifestyle, how she thought and how she felt.
I told her exactly what I ate for each main meal and then
what I ate for the small meals. Except
for the Chagim, I eat just about the same foods/combination of foods every day
(including similar Shabbas menus).
Then I got down to the basics and the emes - it was simple
- you must never be hungry. Your mind
and your body must know that it will never starve. Once that lesson is internalized, your body
will not store fat and you can lose weight!
As I said this statement out
loud, I realized it really made sense TO ME and I had internalized the
message: three main meals and the
two-three small middle meals keep me at an even keel and a good weight.
I told her that I eat breakfast EVERYDAY. I don’t “wait” to eat until I am starving. I make the time to eat. I eat lunch on Fridays! Believe me, each of these little steps is a
minor miracle.
I shared with her another important step: portion size. I explained to her that a tablespoon of food is
one tablespoon – not two, not two and a half and not some kind of rough
measurement. That you need to treat losing weight and changing your eating
habits as a semi-religion where you set the rules and framework and you work
within it. Not following your framework –
only hurts you.
Exercise is another big step. I always exercised, but if you never did or
do not at this moment, then it is time to introduce yourself to the
concept. Start moving. Start walking up and down stairs. Start walking around your neighborhood.
I know that there is a common theory that walking/exercising with a
partner is a great way to exercise and I say – maybe – it depends on your
exercise buddy. If you choose a friend
who is - how should I put this – as exercised-challenged as yourself - you may
never get into the “shvung”.
So listen to Tante Yochi: find an exercise that suits you, that is: it's reasonably easy to do on a long term basis. I warmly recommend WALKING. Walking
suits everyone and every body shape, take music along as your exercise buddy
and just get out there. No excuses. Your body will thank you!
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NEW! Want to change
your eating habits and change your lifestyle? I now provide one-on-one weekly
mentoring meetings and weekly group classes.
Learn to cook healthy meals, set your own goals and learn to love
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